Innovation is a necessity, making it possible to stay ahead of the competition and ensure that the company's customers - starting with the Army - have the best products at the best price. Innovation as applied to support services also makes it possible to guarantee the operational technical availability of the equipment, at any time and under all conditions.
In addition, the wide range of needs and disciplines requires equally reliable solutions, whatever the complexity of the expressed need. Under growing economic constraints this requires ARQUUS to demonstrate its growing adaptability.
ARQUUS reaffirms its innovation-based philosophy. Frequently funded by equity, the company develops practical applications for the military aimed at simplifying equipment use and logistics while also reducing energy expenditure and vehicle costs.
ARQUUS also innovates by improving what already exists, working on the mechanics, tooling, ergonomics and day-to-day management in order to facilitate the work of the operators and tomorrow’s maintenance personnel. For ARQUUS, innovation is reflected by an ongoing process of review and by searching for simpler, more economical solutions.
In the future challenges of tomorrow, ARQUUS wants to stand alongside the armed forces, craftsman and, if possible, expert in the preparation of equipment for combat. Pragmatic, it aims to offer armed forces very concrete improvements on the ground by taking account of their feedback.